Older people who need employment have to compete with younger people. What problems does this cause? And what are the solutions?
这是一道非常具有现实意义的社会类话题,各位还在读书的考鸭宝宝如果关注过“延迟退休年龄”的新闻和相关的利弊讨论,应该能理解这道题目的现实背景。审题时要注意的是,题目是围绕“old people”展开的,因此不管造成的问题、解决办法,都要针对这个群体来分析。
二是老年人可能难以获得一个公平就业机会,遭到企业的歧视。虽然老年人可能经验更丰富,但是体力和对部分新兴技术的接受度、掌握度和运用不如年轻人。因此老年人为了能够胜任岗位,不得不去学习新的技能, 这会加重老年人的负担。另一方面,由于无法掌握新技能,可能会加大老年人的失业风险,而且很难再就业。进而导致老年人可能面临生活困难。

These days, city has become a front line in a generational battle for jobs, as older workers increasingly compete against younger applicants for positions. There are some consequences caused by this phenomenon,and possible approach es could be adopted to address the negative consequence.
The fact that nowadays many people working longer, well past retirement age will inevitably causes some social problems. For one thing, with the increasing number of older population in the job market, the existing job positions may not be sufficient to meet the growing demands. For another, older workers will experience occupational stress and strains when there is a mismatch between the requirements of the job and the capabilities of workers. Especially, when it come to the job which have implications for physical stamina and frequent mobility or constant updating of knowledge and technology, the ageing process will have potential for reduced performance.
There are some measures to mitigate the challenges of an ageing population in the workplace, as retirees often complain that employers improperly favour the other. In this era, young generation tend to have an edge over older workers, as they grew up using computers, automated tools and software applications for performing most tasks. It is advisable for authorities to provide training arrangement s for older people to keep updated with new and emerging software and Internet tools. There is also a clear need to maximize economic output and taxation income, to support an ageing society with better social care and on pensions.
In conclusion, older people have long coexisted with a much younger generation in the job market. Although this does not measurably increase the unemployment rate, in the depressed realities, tensions will swell and actions to prevent the alarming trends turning worse may well be contemplated and implemented.
stamina 耐力,持久力
automate 使自动化
taxation 税收
swell 膨胀,增大
contemplate 考虑,考虑接受,深思熟虑