Some people think that students in high or secondary school can choose course freely, others think that course such as mathematics must be compulsory. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
这是一道双边讨论大作文,讨论的是学生必修和选修课程的问题。双边讨论类的题目,可以自由讨论双方各自的利弊。这道题目甲方认为高中生可以自由选课,乙方认为诸如数学课是必须学习的,审题是要注意乙方的“must be compulsory”,因此可以从反对乙方、赞同甲方的角度切入。下面就和大家一起看下具体观点。首先来看“数学等科目必修”的观点,这里要明白“重要≠必修”,即我们可以承认数学重要,但是它不是非学不可。数学作为自然科学、工科和商科等专业的基础科目,如果学生想在毕业后在大学继续学习相关科目或从事研究,那么数学是必须要学习和掌握的。但是对于那些计划从事艺术方向的学生来说,数学并不是他们必须要掌握的内容。并且很多高中数学的内容,比如平面几何、数列等等,如果学生在将来不从事相关研究的话可能一辈子都不会用上。然后再来看另一方“自由选课”观点。这种方式的好处在于,学生可以根据自己的兴趣和擅长的方向选择相应的课程,他们在学习的过程会表现的更加积极和投入,进而可能获得更好的效果。当然,这样做也会有一个坏处,就是学生可能会按照课程的轻松程度来决定选课而不是实用性,进而学了许多水课,导致学生的知识层面不完整或因为知识不足而无法顺利升学。

People hold different views toward the issue that whether middle school students should choose courses as they want. Although compulsory subjects are significant, I agree with the idea that more autonomy needs to be given to students to make their own curriculum.
On the one hand, some people reckon that core subjects cannot be overlooked. This is true to some extent because the function of compulsory courses is to lay the foundation for student’s future study. For instance, mathematics is the basic subject for all courses in natural science, which also plays an unparalleled role in our daily lives. However, this does not automatically mean that all the students must adhere to a uniform curriculum because devoting energy to acquiring knowledge which is not in line with their future prospects tends to have limited impacts on their development. For example, compelling students who wish to be an artist to study math and physics is indeed a waste of time and energy.
On the other hand, letting students choose courses freely is doomed to have positive effects. As interest is the best teacher, students tend to learn subjects which match their interests faster and better with enthusiasm. Therefore, their potentials can be easily exploited, and thus they are more likely to attain positive academic results. In the long run, after applying what they have learnt to practice, these youngsters tend to outperform their peers in career development.
Above all, although I do agree that the compulsory course plays a critical role in school education, I hold the view that students should choose some courses they are interested in.
Receive a well-rounded education 接受全面的教育
Autonomy 自主权
uniform curriculum 统一的课表
lay the foundation 奠定基础
unparalleled 不可超越的
comprehensive ability 综合素质