The best way to solve traffic and transportation problem is to encourage people to live in cities rather than suburbs and countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
这是一道观点类大作文,聊得是交通运输问题的解决办法。审题时注意题目中的关键词the best way 的表达含义。因此,建议取反对的立场,并在论证中提出办法即可。一般解决交通问题都是从城市往郊区搬,这道题目比较反常,让人从郊区往城市搬,但是题目既然这么设定了,我们就要围绕这个设定进行讨论。在正式讨论这道题前,我们要清楚交通运输问题主要有两方面(所有交通类话题都会涉及到,所以大家可以记一下),一是交通拥堵,二是交通不便利。交通拥堵可能是因为私家车太多(成本低大家都买车或者缺少其他出行方式)、道路建设不合理(不够宽或者不够多)等原因,交通不便利则可能是因为公共交通不发达、基础设施建设不完善、路途太远等原因。

There is an assumption that the key solution to curb traffic pressure is to encourage residents to move from the suburbs to the city center; however, I would say this claim is problematic due to the oversimplified connection between traffic problem and distance.
Indeed, there are reasons as to why people living downtown is considered the panacea for traffic problem. Those who think in this way opt to associate the stress on transport mainly to increased number of commuters between the business center and suburban communities. Based on this presupposition, many people jump to the conclusion that should commuters move nearer to their workplaces in downtown areas, there would be fewer passengers on the roads during rush hours.
Plausible though the suggestion of relocating residents seems, I don’t believe that it is most effective to ease the pressure on the transport system. Those championing this approach have reached their conclusion by generalizing the reason behind the problem –traffic overload is a complex consequence of various causations that act conjointly, whether these be the underdeveloped subway networks, or overuse of private cars. In this respect, alternative measures would also be indispensable if we were to alleviate the traffic stress. One practical option could be the construction of more subway lines, so more passengers on ground transportation can be diverted underground.
From what has been discussed, it is my conclusion that traffic pressure needs to be curbed by multiple solutions.
curb 遏制
panacea 灵丹妙药
commuter 上班族
overload 超负荷
indispensable 不可缺少的