
1. Blood is thicker than water.是不是好直白的“血浓于水”!英文中文真就是一样的。
2. Be able to do something in your sleep.中文里可以对应“我闭着眼睛也能…”。
例如:I haven't done many portraits, but I could paint landscapes in my sleep.
3. Have money to burn土豪说“烧钱”,英文里也用了burn哦。“钱多到拿钱烧”,这么土豪,简单易记。那“花钱如流水”用英文怎么说呢?就是spend money like water.
4. keep somebody at arm's length中文里咱们有“保持一臂距离”,这么记就特别好记。
例如:He keeps all his clients at arm's length.他和所有的客户都保持距离。
5. (in) black and whitea)In a way that makes people or things seem completely bad or good, or completely right or wrong.
例如:It's a complex issue, but he only sees it in black and white.
b)In writing or in print中文里,尤其是在电视剧里,每次遇到“签字画押”情节,总能听到“白纸黑字”,英文里也有对应的含义。
例如:I never thought they'd put it in black and white on the front page.
6. Shut / close your eyes to something中文里咱们说“对……视而不见”,差不多就是这个意思。
例如:You can't just close your eyes to his violence.你不能对他的暴力行为视而不见。
They seem intent on shutting their eyes to the problems of pollution.他们似乎打算对污染问题视而不见。
7. Two heads are better than one.原来是“三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮”。其实还可以理解为“人多力量大”。
8. Be engraved on/ in your heart, memory, mind, etc.深深地印在心里或者记忆力。
例如:The date of the accident remains engraved on my mind.事情发生的那个日子已铭记在我心上。