1. adjacent = neighboring = close to 附近的
2. advantageous = favorable 有利的
3. adverse = unfavorable 不利的
4. aggregate = collection 合集
5. aided = helped 帮助
6. allege = insist 坚持
7. analogous = similar to 与...相似
8. appliance = use 应用
9. artificial = human-made 人造的
10. avid = ardent = enthusiastic 热情的
11. barring = excluding 把……除外
12. bizarre = strange 奇怪的
13. buoyant = rising 上涨的
14. ceased = stopped 停止
15. classic=typical典型的
16. cluster = group 群
17. compatible = consistent 一致的
18. compromise = weaken 削弱
19. concept = notion = idea 概念
20. congestion = overcrowding 拥挤,挤满
21. consensus = widespread agreement 共识
22. considerable = significant 相当的
23. conspicuous = easily noticed 明显的
24. constituent = component 组成
25. contribute to=add to促进
26. controversial = debatable 有争议的
27. corroborated = substantiated 证实,使坚固
28. criterion = final set 终版本/标准(语境,指不会再改变)
29. critical = essential 重要的
30. diffuse = spread 弥漫
31. diminished = reduced 减少
32. dispersed = scattered = distributed 散布
33. documented = recorded 记录
34. drastically = extremely 极其,非常
35. drawbacks=disadvantages缺点
36. duration = length of time 持续时间
37. eclectic = heterogeneous 多样化的
38. elaborate = complex 复杂精细的
39. elevated = raised 提高,抬升
40. embraced = adopted 接纳
41. encountered = came into contact with 遇见
42. endure = withstand 忍受
43. ensures = guarantees 保证
44. essential = fundamental 关键的
45. esteemed = respected 尊敬
46. eventually = ultimately = in the end 终
47. exclusively = merely =solely 仅仅
48. exhaust=use up耗尽
49. features = aspects特征
50. flexible = bendable 可弯曲的
51. formulated = stated 陈述
52. freestanding = no attached 独立的,非附属的
53. function功能 = purpose 目的
54. gauge = measure 测量,标准
55. gradual = slow 逐渐的
56. has long been established = decided 确定的
57. hindered = slowed the progress of 阻碍
58. ignored = paid no attention 忽略
59. immense = huge 巨大的
60. immune = resistant to 对...免疫
61. implement = carry out 实施
62. inception = dawn = onset = start 开始
63. incident = occurrence 事件,发生
64. ingenuity = creativity 独创性
65. initially = first 开始
66. intermittent = periodical 间歇的;断断续续的
67. irreversibly = not capable of going through a series of actions 不可逆地
68. just=fair 合理的
69. lucrative = profitable 有利可图的
70. magnified = surged = increased 放大,增加
71. mainstay = foundation 基础
72. many-segmented = are divided into several parts 分割成很多部分的
73. marginally = occasionally 少量地
74. meager = little 稀少的
75. mobilize = put into action 动员
76. mortality = death 死亡
77. mounting = increasing 增加的
78. myriad = countless 数不清的,大量的
79. net = final 终的
80. obscure = hide隐藏
81. on balance = overall = general 总的来说,整体的,全部的
82. painstakingly = with great effort 费力的
83. particular = specific 特别的
84. permitting = guaranteeing 确保
85. perplexing = puzzling 令人疑惑的
86. pessimistic = negative 消极的
87. potential = possible 潜在的
88. predominate = are in the majority 占主导的
89. presumably = probably 想必,大概
90. prior to = before 在之前
91. profound = significant 深远的,重大的
92. prolifically = abundantly 丰富地
93. regime=government 政体
94. relentless = without pause 不间断的
95. remarkable = impressive 杰出的
96. remnant = remains 残留
97. retained = maintained = sustained = continued 持续,维持
98. retention = conservation 保留
99. rigid = stiff 僵硬的
100. ringed=surrounded环绕
101. rival = competing 敌对的,竞争的 = equal 旗鼓相当的
102. scrutiny = examination 周密的调查
103. seldom = rarely 很少 = sporadic = occasional 偶尔的
104. sequentially=one after another连续地
105. signifying = indicating 表明
106. skepticism = doubt 怀疑
107. stagnant = unmoving 停滞的
108. stationary = nonmoving 固定不动的,静止的
109. stimulate = encourage 激励,促进
110. subsequently = later 后来的
111. sufficient = enough 充足的
112. surplus = excess 过多的 = extra 额外的
113. synthesizing = combining 合成
114. tolerate = endure 忍受
115. undertook = began 着手
116. vast = extensive广阔的
117. verging = bordering濒临,接近
118. vicinity=region(临近)地区
119. vigorous = strong 强烈的 =lively有活力的
120. was accompanied by = occurred together with 伴随着