
对比类文章结构在托福听力所有的文章类型中是比较少的。典型的是TPO5Lecture4,主旨是Differences between fairy tale and folktale.全文就讲了三个点。一、folk tale 是什么,二、fairy tale是什么,三、folk tale和fairy tale的共同点和不同点。这种文章结构也是很好理解的。但是这种文章结构的细节点会比较多。
Now, a number of things happen when an oral tale gets written down. First, the language changes. It becomes more formal, more standard - some might say, "Less colorful". It's like the difference in your language depending on whether you are talking to someone, or writing them a letter. Second, when an orally transmitted story is written down, an authoritative version with a recognized author is created. The communal aspect gets lost. The tale no longer belongs to the community. It belongs to the world, so to speak. Because of this, elements like place and time can no longer be tailored to suit a particular audience. So they become less identifiable, more generalizable to any audience. On the other hand, descriptions of characters and settings can be developed more completely. In folk tales, characters might be identified by a name, but you wouldn't know anything more about them. But in fairy tales, people no longer have to remember plots. They're written down, right? So more energy can be put into other elements of the story like character and setting. So you get more details about the characters, about where the action takes place, what people's houses were like, ur, whether they're small cabins or grand palaces. And it's worth investing that energy because the story, now in book form, isn't in danger of being lost. Those details won't be forgotten. If a folk tale isn't repeated by each generation, it may be lost for all time. But with a fairy tale, it's always there in a book, waiting to be discovered, again and again. Another interesting difference involves the change in audience. Who the stories are meant for? Contrary to what many people believe today, folk tales were originally intended for adults, not for children. So why is it that fairy tales seem targeted toward children nowadays?
过程类文章结构是几种文章结构中难的了,通常可能出现在地质学geology、environmental science 或者art history中,这种文章多体现为,在文章内容表述过程中会出现某些内容的重复。使得考生在听力过程中觉得一直在讲某样东西,但是好像又不是很理解。
比如在TPO9Lecture2 environmental science文章中讲到了一个词 permafrost,而这个词是在很多段落中都出现了。The tundra has two layers: top layer, which is called the active layer, is frozen in the winter and spring, but thaws in the summer. Beneath this active layer is the second layer called "permafrost", which is frozen all year around, and is impermeable to water.(0: 49-0:55) and their roots don't grow very deep, so the permafrost doesn't interfere with their growth. (1:13-1:18)they live in the active layer, which, remember, contains water that doesn't penetrate the permafrost.(2:39-2:45)
选项中也是,头一题B. How temperature increases might be affecting the permafrost in Arctic Alaska 第二题A. They have roots that can penetrate permafrost. 第三题C. Increases in average winter temperatures have permafrost permeable to water. 第四题C. Most nutrients remain frozen in the permafrost when spring runoff is at its peak. 这四个题目的选项都有permafrost这个词,所以,考生听得时候就会抓不住重点,但是又非常明确知道自己的确听到过,选项又极具迷惑性。
在TPO26conversation1中,就是这样的一个典型例子,在这篇对话中,学生需要打印一些宣传资料(problem),老师提出了解决的方法(solution),而在文章中,solution部分老师分别提到了business card,flyer,poster,sticky note,pencil等,其中sticky note 和pencil分别作为这篇文章的题目考到了,其实中间这段solutions就是讲座部分平级并列结构的缩小版,肯定会考到平级并列结构的其中的一个小段落。按照篇幅的占比,也可以预测出其中的考点。