
C13T1P1 Case Study: TourismNew Zealand website
The website was set up toallow both individuals and travel organisations to create itineraries andtravel packages to suit their own needs and interests.
题目:The websitewww.newzealand.com aimed to provide ready-made itineraries and packages fortravel companies and individual tourists.
此题的错误点是在ready-made, 这个单词的意思是“现成的,预先做好的”。但根据原文,网站是让个人和公司自己制定行程。此题除了再次表明词汇量的重要性外,也说明判断题考察之细致,考生对于题干中的实词所表达的含义要逐一核实。
C13T2P1 Bring Cinnamon toEurope
Over time, the supply ofcinnamon trees on the island became nearly exhausted, due to systematicstripping of the bark. Eventually, the Dutch began cultivating their owncinnamon trees to supplement the diminishing number of wild trees available foruse.
题目:The trees plantedby the Dutch produced larger quantities of cinnamon than the wild trees.
此题比较容易错选TRUE. 有的学生看到了原文中diminishingnumber of wild trees. 觉得野外的树数量减少了,所以产出的cinnamon就比种植的要少。做判断题一定要注意原文和题干中的描述是否一致,以及逻辑是否成立;文中说的是wild trees少,题目说的是cinnamonquantities 少,数少能否一定推导出产出的果实就一定少?如果不一定的话,答案就是NOT GIVEN.
C14T1P3 Motivational factorsand the hospitality industry
While it seems likely thatemployees’ reactions to their job characteristics could be affected by apredisposition to view their work environment negatively, no evidence exists tosupport this hypothesis (Spector et al.,2000).
题目:Research hasshown that staff have a tendency to dislike their workplace.
negatively-dislike, work environment-workplace 所以就非常自信的认为是YES, 但殊不知他们忽略了题干中的主语和谓语Research hasshown that…原文的第二行后半句说no evidence exists tosupport this hypothesis…既然没有证据,就说明不可能有实验会得出这个结论,因此答案时NO
C14T4P2 Why zoos are good
In addition to this, thereis also the education that can take place in zoos through signs, talks andpresentations which directly communicate information to visitors about theanimals they are seeing and their place in the world. This was an area wherezoos used to be lacking, but they are now increasing sophisticated in theircommunication and outreach work.
题目:Zoos have alwaysexcelled at transmitting information about animals to the public.
原文第二行的communicateinformation to visitors 替换了题干中的transmitting informationabout animals to the public. 但后文紧接着说This was an area where zoosused to be lacking, 说明在宣传上动物园并不是always做得很好。所以是FALSE.
此题除了提醒我们判断题考察的点越来越细之外,考生也要注意判断题中出现表示时间的单词或短语,如: as soon as,immediately, now等等;
Striking, Rochman says, onlyone well-designed study failed to find the effect it was looking for, aninvestigation of mussels ingesting microscopic plastic bits. The plastic movedfrom the mussels’ stomach to their bloodstreams, scientists found, and stayedthere for weeks- but didn’t seem to stress out the shellfish.
题目:One studyexamined by Rochman was expecting to find that mussels were harmed by eatingplastic.
此题很容易错选FALSE. 有的学生看到原文头一行..failed to findthe effect…, 以及后一行… but didn’t seem to stressout the shellfish. 觉得eating plastic并没有harm mussels 所以觉得题干应该是错的。但他们忽略的是题干中谓语动词是was expecting tofind.. 也就是说题干问的是研究是不是想要发现eating plastic 对mussel有害,并不是问它的结论对不对。根据原文头一行…fail to find the effect it was looking for, aninvestigation of mussels ingesting microscopic plastic bits.一个研究mussels吃塑料的实验没有发现它正在寻找的影响。那它想要找的影响是什么呢?根据后文塑料并没有harm mussels,说明这个研究确实想要发现eating plastic 对mussels有害。故答案是TRUE