
来源:未知 作者:朗欧教育 浏览: 更新时间:2025-03-01 10:37

开头段:背景+已知信息+正反观点+自己的观点+Reasons are given below
1、 先后
The jet plane is considered as one of the most important innovations in the modern society. 
那么我们要思考在发明飞机之前,人类之前肯定还有其他重大的发明事件。按照这样的思路,我们就可以写出这样一句背景句:Human beings, as the dominant creature on this exclusive habitable planet, have created numerous brilliant civilizations,such as gunpowder, compass and paper.
2、 因果
还以The jet plane is considered as one of the most important innovations in the modern society.为例:这时,我们要思考,飞机发明的背后原因是什么?我们不难得出原因是科技革命与创新发展。所以,这句背景句可以写成:With the advent of industrial revolution, scientists, especially some of the immensely influential figures, have brought out their best in developing new ideas into tangible technological fruits.
已知信息不是简单地把作文题目抄写一遍,而是需要能够结合自己的积累和语法知识,对题目进行改写。这个涉及两方面的能力。一是同近义词的替换,二是语法结构的变换。还以这个题目为例:The jet plane is considered as one of the most important innovations in the modern society.我们可以改写为:The most influential breakthrough in recent human history is the invention of airplane.或改写为:What struck people in the last century was the successful introduction of planes.
三、 正反观点则比较好写。常用的动词“认为”,有think, argue, propose, suggest, advocate, hold the view that......这几个动词在写作和阅读中,一律翻译为“认为”。
通常我们可以这么写,Some argue that....., while others suggest that...... 这句话比较灵活,只要表达出来正反两个观点都可以接受。比如,Some argue that....... However, there are people who strongly advocate that........ 这句话中的“There be”句型没有特别的意思,作用只是为了强调。去掉也是可以接受的。后半句甚至可以直接写成:Others hold the opposite view. 一言以蔽之。
常见的写作结构有:As far as I am concerned, As for me, For my part, In my perspective, I think....等等,I am with the former/the latter point of view. 或I agree with/ side with........
Reasons are given below. 或者 Reasons are presented below.或 There are several reasons that may account for this phenomenon.或 Reasons for this phenomenon may be multiple. 等等......综上,对于The jet plane is considered as one of the most important innovations in the modern society.这个题目。我们整理可得这样的一个开头段。
Human beings, as the dominant creature on this exclusive habitable planet,have created numerous brilliant civilizations, such as gunpowder, compass and paper. And the most influential breakthrough in recent human history is the invention of airplane. Some argue it is one of the most important innovations. However, others hold the opposite view. As for me, I am with the former. Reasons are given below.