P1 城堡建设
P2 名人的历史
P3 耳机与音乐
1. 本次考试难度中等。
2. 整体分析:涉及建筑类(P1)、历史类(P2)、文化类(P3)。
3. 本场考试的头一篇是旧题,2017年出现过,也在之前多次考到过,文章难度一般,题目的搭配也是常规形式。后面两篇文章也主要出现填空,判断,选择和配对题。本次考试比较好的是配对题只出现在一篇文章中,综合定位要求不高。后面两篇文章,学生普遍的反馈是,文章虽然能够大致读懂,但是很多题目的答案模棱两可,做题时比较纠结。
4. 部分答案及参考文章:
Passage 1:城堡建设
Build a Medieval Castle
A. Michel Guyot, owner and restorer of Saint Fargeau castle in France, first had the idea of building a 13th-century style fortress following the discovery that the 15th century red bricks of his castle obscured the stone walls of a much older stronghold. His dream was to build a castle just as it would have been in the Middle Ages, an idea which some found mildly amusing and others dismissed as outright folly. However, Maryline Martin-project director was inspired by the exciting potential for the venture to regenerate the region. It took several months to bring together and mobilize all the various different partners: architects, archaeologists and financial backers. A site in the heart of Guedelon forest was found: a site which offered not only all the resources required for building a castle- a stone quarry, an oak forest and a water supply-but in sufficient quantities to satisfy the demands of this gigantic site. The first team started work and on June 20th 1997 the first stone was laid.
B. Unlike any other present-day building site, Guyot’s purpose is clear, he warmly welcomes members of the public to participate. The workers’ role is to demonstrate and explain, to a wide audience, the skills of our forefathers. Stone quarrying, the building of vaulted ceilings, the blacksmith’s work and the raising of roof timbers are just some of the activities which visitors can witness during a visit to Guedelon. The workers are always on hand to talk about their craft and the progress of the castle. Each year 60,000 children visit Guedelon with their schools. The site is an excellent educational resource, bringing to life the history of the Middle Ages. Guided tours are tailored to the school curriculum and according to age groups: activity traits for primary school children and interactive guided tours for secondary school children. Pupils of all ages have the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of medieval stonemasons by taking part in a stone-carving workshop or discover the secrets of the medieval master-builders at the geometry workshop.
C. Workers in the Burgundy region of France are building a 13th century castle. They’re not restoring an old castle. They’re actually building a new old castle. See the builders are constructing it from scratch. The craftsmen have been working for nearly ten years now but they’re not even halfway done……
1. The French people would not abandon his idea in favor of realistic one.
2. One aim of the castle is to show the ancestral achievement to public.
3. Short lifespan of workers was due to overdue heating.
5. Stones were laid not in a straight-line arrangement to avoid damaging or collapsing.
Summary 填空5-10
When 5 Mason found suitable block, they began to cut lines of 6 holes into it. 7 Metal wedges were used and knocked into and generated shockwaves to make stone 8 split. Different qualities of blocks would be used in different place of castle. On the other hand, 9 bricks were shaped from clay in a mould and went through a process of 10 heating for about 12 hours.
C. Workers obeyed modern working hours.
E. Guedelon castle need to receive valuable weather.
F. They used old techniques and skills.
5. Manson
6. holes
7. metal wedge
8. split
9. bricks
10. heating
11. C
12. E
13. F
Passage 2:名人的历史
Passage 3:耳机的历史
1. 结合本月的考察形式,对于备考1,2月雅思的考生依然可以把备考重点放在填空,判断,选项,配对题上。在备考过程中,依然可以坚持剑桥系列的针对性练习为主,重点关注高频考点词的积累,做题时间如何压缩,篇章定位方法的运用,常见篇章搭配的定位需要注意哪些,会有什么样的答案分布特点。能够做好以上几个部分,考出理想的成绩应该是水到渠成的事。但是,从2020年12月末到现在,List of Headings还未出现,下场考试的同学需要重点预警此题型。
2. 下场考试的话题可能有关传记类,历史类,文化类。
3. 重点浏览2016-19年机经。