浏览ChinaDaily的网站,看到一篇文章“COVID-19crisis:Older persons are the pillars of our society – we cannot leave thembehind”,byKaveh Zahedi and Eduardo Klien, 2020-05-01。瞬间让我想起了2019年的一个大作文考题:
Insome cultures, old people are more highly valued than the youth,while other cultures value the youth more. Discuss both views andgive your own opinion. 20191107
COVID-19 is turning our world upside down, especially for those at the end of the age spectrum. The virus and its rapid spread are challenging science, economy and society—as well as how we care for older persons.
1、Turn our world upside down,这个动词词组译成:颠覆,颠倒。从本句的句意来看当然是贬义的。但是实际应用起来是中性词。我们可以说“新科技”使我们的传统生活方式被颠覆了。例如:Cutting-edge technology is turning our traditional lifestyle upside down.
2、those at the end of the age spectrum,毫无疑问指的就是那些身处暮年的老者。老年人相关的话题在整个大作文写作中时常出现,因此对于老年人的表达大家也可以丰富起来。
例如:the old, the elderly, the aged, senior citizens, oldsters, 还有一个golden-agers,不算太常见,其实也是老年人的意思。而本文又给我们提供了新思路,those in twilight years和本例句中的用法类似。
We know that the risk of dying from COVID-19 increases significantly with age. Evidence from Asia and the Pacific shows that case fatality rates rise markedly by decade for persons between the ages of 50 to 80. Due to public health measures, many older persons will die alone, without family and friends. COVID-19 has stripped them of their fundamental human rights – including the right to live and die with dignity.
1、With age,随着年龄增长。在句子里面一般是个伴随状语。写小作文的时候比较常见。因为一些小作文动态图的数据是按照年龄层分类的。
2、Rise markedly 动词+副词的组合。写小作文动态图的时候,怎么可能用不到。
3、Strip someone of something 剥夺某人的某物,往往都是指剥夺财产或权利。
In Asia and the Pacific, there are 630 million older persons aged 60 years or over. However, it is not only age that poses a higher risk. Older persons tend to be more affected by chronic and non-communicable diseases, making them more vulnerable to succumbing to COVID-19. Those with disabilities are at a particularly high risk since they are often poor, in vulnerable employment without adequate social protection and dependent on others.
1、Chronic diseases,慢性病。在讨论老年人就业等问题的时候,我们往往会关注他们的健康状况。那么这个词就有很高的概率出现在我们的文章里。
2、vulnerable employment 指的是就业状况脆弱,通常说明这群人没什么就业保障。失业是分分钟就可能发生的事情。Vulnerable groups也可以指社会中的弱势群体。
3、social protection,社会保护。通常指的是政府用一些政策或法律等手段来给一些弱势群体提供必要的帮助和保护。
Although many cases require us to avoid personal contact with older persons, we must reach out to our parents, grandparents, older neighbors and friends to ensure that their basic needs are met. We must engage with them socially, show our respect and assure them how much they matter to all of us, especially in times of crisis. In our interactions with older persons we must be more risk-averse, but not discriminatory.
Older persons are crucial pillars of our societies, and their voice must be heard. They are the pioneers who have made the region prosper. It is our responsibility to reduce their vulnerabilities and ensure that older persons live without discrimination.