Some scientists believe that studying the behaviour of 3-year-old children can tell which children would grow up to be criminals. To what extent in your opinion is crime a product of human nature or is it possible to stop children from growing up to be criminals?(2016/12/15)
l 一些科学家认为研究3岁孩童的行为可以看出他们是否会成为罪犯。问:多大程度上你认为犯罪是本性的产物,以及是否有可能防止孩子长大成为罪犯。
2. 采取措施预防犯罪是有效的:
Many have questioned whether it is possible to determine a link between genetics and criminal behavior. In my opinion, despite strong resistance in many quarters, crime occurs and is partially fostered by biological traits and still actions can be taken to intervene before antisocial behavior escalates into crime.
There is now little scientific doubt that genetics play a part in the development of traits that have the potential to lead an individual down the path of illegal behavior. Many genes may affect brain functioning in ways that either increases or reduce the chances individuals learning various complex behavior patterns. Specifically, some genes influence difficult temperament, impulsivity, novelty seeking, and lack of empathy, which predispose people to be exposed to environmental risks and make it hard for people to express emotions in what would be considered a positive manner, leading people to engage in anti-social behaviors like enjoy getting lost or doing something crazy just for fun. Also a lack of positive developmental traits is proven directly connected with antisocial behaviors. When individuals drift from adolescence onto adulthood, symptoms of aggression, property destruction, deceitfulness, and rule violation may be exhibited in the workplace and home.
Such as it is, social skills and environment is a doorway to unlocking genetic traits that are instilled in people. Therefore, approaches intervening early in children’s life such as preventing them from abuse, domestic violence and exposure to emotional harm may well be effectively adopted. As physical punishments of slapping, hitting and punching provide a pattern to be modeled when youngsters are themselves frustrated and disenchanted, parental disciplinary tactics could be suggested or emphasized. Besides, providing instructions and guidance on anger management and emotion language or reinforcing helpful behavior both at school and home will definitely diminish the likelihood of embarking on or persisting in a criminal career.
In fact, it is a combination of both biological factors in addition to social environment that molds people into who they are. Although genes dictate the mindset of one that chooses to engage in criminal behavior, certain temperament interacting with a myriad of experience, acquired interpersonal competencies, academic skills and effective strategies will avoid the pattern of such behavior.