People continue to commit crimes even after being punished for it. Why do you think this happens? How can crime be stopped?
Crime限定 criminal,culprit
Punish限定 penalty

It is always one of the government’s priorities to reduce crime rate in order to ensure social security. Among all the crimes, many are committed by ex-criminals. Hence, people start to examine the reasons of re-offence and methods to prevent illegal activities.
The chief cause for re-offence is for the sake of survival. Many criminals, after being imprisoned for years without contacting with the outside world, have been detached from the society. The skills they have become obsolete and no longer match the current job requirements. Moreover, usually employers are reluctant to hire people who used to be convicted because being criminals seems to indicate character flaws or lack of morality. It can be tough for people who left jail to find occupations, thereby unable to support a living. Thus, many of them continue to commit crimes after being punished to have a source of income or even to get themselves back to jail again where they do not have to worry about not having food to eat and shelter to sleep.
To reduce crime rate, there are several feasible ways. The first measure is rehabilitation in jail and after release. The government can conduct career training sessions to equip the criminals with the skills necessary for them to find a job after serving the sentence. Meanwhile, the perfection of social guarantee system for released people, such as encouraging companies to hire ex-convicts further enhance the condition of people who have left jail. Secondly, the importance of education cannot be underestimated. There can be more publicity on the severity of crimes to the public in order to deter people from committing crimes. The government should also try to ensure proper domestic education as children who grow up with parents or guardians who have bad habits may imitate what they see. This can be achieved by constant home visits to evaluate the condition of children, and finding appropriate foster families for children.
To sum up, the primary reason for people to re-offend after being punished is their inability to make a living after release. Rehabilitation for convicts and education are solutions that can be used to prevent crimes from happening.
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