Competitiveness is a positive quality for people to have among most societies. How does this competitiveness affect individuals? Do you think it is a positive or negative trend?
竞争意识能够激发一个人的激情和斗志,在遇到困难时候,能够更主动地寻找克服困难的方法或者发现自己的不足而加以改进提升, 进而战胜困难,收获一个更好的结果。个体在这个过程是不断成长的。

Of all qualities of humanity, being competitive is recognized in many cultures as an outstanding attribute for people to achieve career prospects. For my perspective, I will say that the sense of competition is key to provide the confidence and ambitions needed for individual to pursue their goals in life; nevertheless, the emphasis on this feature should be considered from both positive and negative angle.
The relevance of competitiveness to people resides in every stage of individual careers. For the majority of those aspiring for success, the primary problem that stands in the way to achieving various goals along their careers is lack of confidence when facing competition, whether these be peer pressure during student career, or competing for a decent job among hundreds of rivals. In response to this, it is the sense of competition that provides them the needed encouragement to strive for what they aspire for regardless how doomy the prospect seems.
Be that as it may, it does not necessarily mean that being competitive is always a bless. While the aforementioned advantages make it an imperative determinant in compelling people to compete for the best possible outcomes, I will say the preoccupation with competition may backfire at other virtues such as collaborative spirit. The devotees of rivalry are oblivious to the fact that not all conundrums in reality can be tackled by pure competition; rather, many outcomes are consequences of reconciliation between different stakeholders. Examples regarding this consist of cooperation between business partners and even strategic agreements between nations. Unfortunately, it is difficult for those reared in the competitive milieu to see others as anything other than potential threats.
Taken collectively, it is my conclusion therefore, though being competitive deserves its value to people achieving their aims, to emphasis exclusively on the attribute should be considered from a critical perspective.